

当您通过我们的任何在线资源提交预订时,这并不构成我们之间的合同。一旦我们完全接受预订并且我们已发出一封电子邮件说明情况如此,合同将成立。预订总预订金额的 50% 的预订押金应在临时预订后 48 小时内支付。预订是临时进行的,直到全额支付押金并通过银行系统清算资金(如适用)。然后预订被确认。在预订确认之前,可以随时取消预订,恕不另行通知。租金余额应在假期开始前 60 天支付。未能在到期日之前全额支付押金或余额将构成度假者取消假期。损毁押金余额需在假期开始前 14 天支付,这笔款项将从预订时提供的信用卡详细信息中扣除。如果您使用过 Pay pal,您将负责通过同一来源进行额外付款。检查完成后,损坏押金将在您离开酒店后的 14 天内退还给您,见下文。

请务必注意这些付款的到期日,因为不会定期发出提醒。在抵达日期前不到 60 天进行的预订必须在预订时全额支付。


所有物业都有根据其个人列表详细信息支付的损坏押金,或通过 联系我们了解更多详情。




度假者取消预订 度假者取消预订应通过电子邮件发送至 取消条款:

100% 退款减去 5% 的取消费用在预订后 24 小时内取消,前提是距离住宿至少 60 天。

如果在入住前 4 周以上取消预订,则 50% 的退款减去预订费。

如果在入住前不到 4 周取消预订,将获得 0% 的退款。


Covid-19 指南

所有客人在入住我们的其中一间酒店时都有责任满足英国现行的任何 Covid-19 指南。


英国政府关于 Covid-19 的指导方针我们将遵守英国政府关于我们地区本地封锁的所有指导方针。如果我们无法接待我们的客人,我们将提供全额退款,减去 5% 的管理费。



Number of Guests
The maximum number of people entitled to stay at this property is [as per the website details] and furthermore, only those people named on the booking form are entitled to stay. If it is found that more people than agreed are using the property, this will be considered a breach of contract and the holidaymaker and his/her party will be asked to leave immediately without any refund. Sub- letting or assignation of the let is prohibited.
Pets are allowed in the property subject to the property owner's agreement. All pets must be house trained, and the number and type of pet must not exceed what was agreed at the time of booking, otherwise a breach of contract will be deemed to have taken place. Some properties have an additional charge for pets, seek advice on this prior to your arrival.
Pets must not be left unaccompanied in the property at any time and must not be allowed on the beds or furniture. The holidaymaker shall be liable for all damage caused by his/her pet or any pet belonging to the holidaymaker's party. A charge will be made for any additional cleaning required. The property owner cannot be held responsible for any accident or injury to a pet during their stay.
Arrival and Departure Time
Every effort will be made to have the property available from 4.00pm on the day of arrival. The property must be vacated by 10.00am on the day of departure. Late departure will result in an additional charge being made. Information about keys and how to collect them will be provided once full payment has been received.
The property owner takes no responsibility for the personal possessions of the holidaymaker or the holidaymaker's party. Vehicles and possessions are left entirely at the risk of the holidaymaker.
Children must be supervised at all times.
We would like to think the holidaymaker and party would treat the property as they would their own home and at the end of the holiday the property is left in a clean and tidy condition. The property owner retains the right to make an additional charge for cleaning should the property not be left in a similar condition to the way it was found at the start of the holiday.



任何丢失的钥匙将按每套 25 英镑收取额外费用,并从损坏押金中扣除。



任何提供给客人使用的烧烤都必须在离开酒店前进行清洁,将从损坏押金中扣除 20 英镑,以支付清洁脏烧烤的费用。



我们要求您在入住我们的物业时尊重所有邻居,并在晚上 10 点后将噪音水平降至最低。


我们使用Guesty 软件来管理我们的在线预订流程。我们与Guesty 签订了书面合同,以确保他们将按照所有适用的数据保护法代表我们处理您的数据。

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